Prescription amphetamines provide effective treatments for conditions involving ADHD, sinus congestion and narcolepsy, but pose a considerable risk of addiction when used on a recreational basis. For people affected by these conditions, amphetamines correct for certain chemical imbalances throughout the brain and body. When this is not the case, amphetamine addiction can quickly take hold of a person’s thinking and behaviors.
We can help you find treatment for an addiction to amphetamines. Call 800-895-1695 toll free for help today.
Amphetamine drugs come in many forms, with some of the most commonly prescribed ones being –
- ProCentra
- Methamphetamine
- Dexedrine
- Ritalin
- Concerta
- Adderall
- Zenzedi
- Strattera
- Phentermine
If your loved one is struggling with amphetamine addiction, certain obvious signs will become apparent over time. Signs of amphetamine addiction will inevitably affect his or her ability to function in daily life.
Tolerance Level Effects
Amphetamines work by increasing the rate at which chemical processes take place in the brain and central nervous system. When ingested, amphetamine effects increase neurotransmitter secretion rates, most notably those associated with dopamine.
In the process, the brain cells secreting these chemicals have to work harder than usual, which eventually causes damage to cell structures, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. This damage weakens cells, making them less sensitive to amphetamine effects. In cases of amphetamine addiction, a person would have to keep increasing drug dosage amounts in order to experience the drug’s desired effects.
Call 800-895-1695 toll free for help finding addiction treatment today.
Physical Signs of Amphetamine Addiction
Someone who’s abused amphetamines for any length of time will eventually become physically dependent on the drug. Physical dependency develops out of brain chemical imbalances brought on by ongoing amphetamine use.
Physical signs may not be noticeable at first, but soon become more pronounced over time.
Symptoms to watch out for include –
- Loss of energy
- Problems sleeping
- Jitteriness
- Tremors in the extremities
- Nausea
- Headaches
With continued drug use, symptoms only intensify to the point where your loved one’s overall health will start to suffer.
Psychological Signs of Amphetamine Addiction

You can help your loved one overcome addiction by helping them to find the treatment they need.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, amphetamine’s effects on dopamine neurotransmitter levels have a direct bearing on how the brain’s reward system operates. After a certain point, psychological signs of amphetamine addiction take hold once chemical imbalances start to impair cognitive and emotion-based processes in the brain.
In effect, the repeated surges in dopamine levels “rewire” the brain’s reward system. At this point, getting and using amphetamines takes on top priority in a person’s life.
Psychological signs of addiction may include –
- Poor decision making
- Confusion
- Anxiety episodes
- Bouts of depression
- Feelings of rage
Once psychological signs start to develop, a full-blown addiction is at work.
Behavior-Based Signs of Amphetamine Addiction
Behavior-based signs of amphetamine addiction are a “natural” offshoot of the psychological effects of chronic drug use. These signs bring on noticeable changes in a person’s daily life as well as in his or her overall quality of life or lifestyle.
Behavioral signs typically take the form of –
- Missing days at work
- Isolating from friends and family
- Financial problems
- Engaging in criminal activity
- Problems with the law
- Decline in personal appearance and grooming
- Unusual risk-taking
As with physical signs of addiction, behavior-based signs will only worsen over time unless a person gets needed treatment help. Call 800-895-1695 for help finding treatment today.